Customer departure alert

πŸ‘ Receive notifications whenever a customer user exits a channel or company.

Real-time customer departure alert

Stay informed effortlessly by setting up automated notifications within your selected Slack channel. Receive alerts whenever a customer contact exits a particular channel or departs from the entire workspace. This functionality streamlines your monitoring of customer contact activity.


Notifications also include alerts when a user leaves the channel, indicating they have left the company channel.

User Departure Notification Example

Configuration of the workflow

Follow these steps to configure your notifications:

  1. In Slack, navigate to /Thena Global Config.
  2. Click the Configure Workflows button.
  3. Choose the Notify when a user leaves a customer channel option.
  4. Select Channels:
    • You can manually select channels by name or use conditions to filter channels.
    • Available conditions include "Channel Name starts with" and "Channel Name ends with."
    • If using a condition, specify the matching pattern.
  5. Choose Notification Channel: Select the Slack channel where you want to receive departure notifications.