AI Requests

Thena AI actively monitors and identifies customer messages across various platforms such as Slack, the web, email, and Microsoft Teams, categorizing them as requests.


On channels where Thena app is added, customer messages are processed by our AI model which can then flag customer messages as Requests.

Applicable only on Slack & Teams channels

AI based request detection is applicable only to Slack or Teams channels that have customers on it. On Email & Web, Requests are created on the first customer message and are threaded inside those (i.e the email thread or the web-chat thread).


Requires Thena Slack App on the Channel

Note that for Request Detection to work, the Thena Slack app must be present on the Slack channel. In certain cases where the customer is added as a Single Channel Guest, that particular channel should be setup as a Customer channel.


Strategy Selection

We have different models available that you can use for processing customer messages and classifying those as Requests. Out of the box, we allow for the following strategies for you to have better control on how you prefer request detection to work. Here are the available strategies:

  • Aggressive
  • Conservative

Use the config to switch between strategies /thena-global-config -> Request Management -> Strategy Selection

Currently, this config is only available on the Slack App and can be setup either at the Global level or at the Account / Channel level.

Aggressive strategy

It is more proactive, however, it may lead to a higher number of false positives. A false positive, in this context, refers to an instance where a message is incorrectly identified as request, when in reality, it's not a request.

Conservative strategy

Conversely, the Conservative strategy significantly reduces the occurrence of false positives by employing a more cautious approach. This strategy is particularly beneficial if you've been encountering an overabundance of false positives using the Aggressive strategy.

Conversation Grouping

Mostly, customer users follow the standard practice of sending one message and then adding subsequent details inside the message thread. However, to cater to the scenario where a user might send multiple back to back messages (without threading them) we use the concept of Conversation Grouping.


How Conversation Grouping Works?

When a customer message is detected as a request, any subsequent message from the same user within the Conversation Grouping Window will not create an additional request. Instead, the new messages will be grouped within the same request.

By default, the conversation grouping window is set to 2 mins but you can change / turn it off from /Thena Global/Channel Config -> Request Management -> Advanced Settings -> Conversation Grouping

Setting conversation grouping window to 0 will completely turn off this feature and every customer message will go through the AI flow for that to be considered for request detection.


Grouped at the channel level

Its important to note that the Conversation Grouping logic works at the channel level and not at the user level. This means that when multiple customer users post in the channel, all their messages within the window will be grouped into the same request.

Inspect Customer Message


Wondering why a customer message didn't create a Request?

Request Detection is a highly configurable product and so based on different combinations of those configs, a customer message -- that might legit look like a request -- might not be flagged as a Request. You can use the Inspect Customer Message shortcut to see the status of that particular customer message.

On a customer channel where Thena Slack app is added, ygo to a particular message, click on Message Actions (three dots on the right when you hover) -> Inspect Message, and you will see a modal with details.

The Inspect Customer message modal will show you the following details:

  • Whether a Request was created for the message.
    • If it was, it will provide the status of the Request along with the links to the Internal Triage Channel (if setup) and the link to the Webapp along with the Recent Activity. If the Request was Merged/ Discarded, you can see those details as well.
    • If a Request was not created, it will give you the reasons why. These could be because of:
      • Conversational Grouping
      • Vendor Message
      • Message is part of a thread that already has a Request
      • Message not flagged by AI as a Request

Discard Request (Not a Request)

If the AI model detects something as a Request which is not a customer request in your system (e.g it could be a request to reschedule a meeting), you can discard that Request. You can do so from either the Request Drawer on the Kanban or from the Triage channel.

Once a Request is discarded / market as Not a Request, it will be removed from all other Request workflows and Analytics.


Not Reversible

Because we go and diffuse all triggers associated with a Request when it is marked as "Not a Request" or Discarded, this is an irreversible step.

To re-create a Request on the same message, you will need to go to the customer message on the customer channel and use the Assign To Message Action shortcut.

Configuration for Request Detection

This is found in '/Thena Global Config-> Request Management' or '/Thena Channel Config-> Request Management' in Slack.

Enable Internal Triage ChannelFalseEnable sending detected requests to internal triage channel
Default Request Triage ChannelNARequests from customer channels will be redirected to this channel
Auto assignTrueAssign the request to the first responder.
Use EmojisTrueAdding πŸ‘€ will assign the request to the user and βœ… will close the request.

Advanced Settings

Conversation Grouping Window (mins)2Messages on channel after a detected request within this window are grouped together
Auto Close Requests (days)30Assigned Open requests will be auto closed after this duration
Close Nudge Duration (days)15Send a nudge to the assigned user to close the request
Send Auto assign EphemeralFalseSend an ephemeral to the user when a request is auto assigned
Send DM to assigned userTrueSend a message to the assigned user when a request is assigned to them. Not applicable for auto assignment
Customer thread updateFalseThe customer gets updated on when someone is working on the request
Use Customer LogoTrueUse the customer logo for request notifications
Use Customer NameTrueUse the customer name for request notifications
Send Ephemeral to CSM on Request DetectionFalseSend an ephemeral to the CSM with options to convert the request into external ticket or assign to someone
Auto Assign detected requests to CSMFalseAuto Assign requests when a CSM is configured for a channel
Show preview from messages in private channelsFalseEnable this if you wish to get the AI generated Request Title and Summary on your internal request notification/ triage channel for private channels as well.
Host Email DomainNATo enable request detection on internal channels with customers as guests, add your email domain so that Thena can differentiate requests from customers
Allow ## Discard Request DetectionTrueThis allows Thena to automatically detect messages as request.
⚠️Disabling this will lead to Thena not detecting incoming messages as requests

Request Detection FAQ

What happens if I change the conversation grouping window and then inspect an old customer message?

A: Changing the conversation grouping window (e.g., from 5 minutes to 2 minutes) affects Thena's request detection for older messages. If you inspect an old customer message that wasn't identified as (Not a request because it arrived inside the original window (e.g., 4 minutes after the initial request), Thena will now flag it as 'missed'. You'll see the prompt: 'Thena missed the request. Click here to create it.' This reflects the new, shorter time frame for grouping messages into a single conversation.

How does changing the request detection strategy affect old customer requests?


If you modify Thena's request detection strategy, this change will also apply retrospectively to older messages. When inspecting a past customer message that was not previously recognized as a request under the old strategy, Thena will re-evaluate it using the new criteria. If it now qualifies AI model detects something as a request, you'll see: 'Thena missed the request. Click here to create it.' This helps ensure that past conversations are aligned with your current detection preferences.

Can I control the categories that Thena uses to detect a request?

The upcoming custom strategy would allow you to select specific categories of messages Request which should be detected as a request. Example, mark messages of type issue and warning as a request but do is not mark messages of categories agenda and meeting as a request. Types of categories here

Will a customer message that only has an Attachment be detected as a request?

Yes, If a message only has an attachment from the customer, we will flag it as a request by default.

A message in the channel was not detected as a request?

Please check the configuration of your channel to ensure that Thena is setup correctly:

  • Is Thena added in the channel?
    • Open your channel on Slack -> Click on the channel name -> Integrations -> Check if Thena is added under Apss
    • If you do not see Thena in the list of Apps, click Add apps and select Thena
  • Is system (e.g it could be a request detection enabled for the channel?
    • Use the /Thena Channel Config command anywhere on Slack, select your channel (only channels where Thena is added show in this drop down) -> Request Management -> Advanced Settings -> Allow Request Detection
  • What the message sent by your customer (via slack connect) or by your team member?
    • Thena detects messages as Requests only for customer messages
    • If you have added Thena to an internal channel and want to use Thena for internal triaging, please check our Internal Helpdesk
  • What is your configuration grouping window settings?
    • Thena earmarks the timestamp at which reschedule a customer creates the initial request. If any additional requests are made within the next 2 mins, then Thena will group these requests as a single request.
    • To check this use the /Thena Channel Config command anywhere on Slack, select your channel (only channels where Thena is added show in this drop down) -> Request Management -> Advanced Settings -> Conversation Grouping Window (mins)
  • Did meeting), you invite the customer as a single channel guest user?
    • Doing so, Slack provides the same team ID to the invited user and Thena is unable to distinguish users based on Team ID
    • can discard that Request. You can enabled Host Email Domain recognition for such channels by using do so from either the /Thena Channel Config command anywhere Request Drawer on Slack
    • If your email is [email protected] -> add to the config
  • Check if the message was not detected as a request Kanban or the notification was not sent to the triage channel
    • Login to and check from the Requests section
    • If you find your request here, then the message was detected as a request but was not sent to the triage channel on Slack
      • Check your triage channel settings /Thena Channel Config command anywhere on Slack, select your channel (only channels where Thena is added show in this drop down) -> Request Management -> Default Request Triage Channel

Can request detection be turned off across my workspace?

  • Yes, it can. To disable request detection, follow these steps in custom configurations. We do not recommend doing so however, as that will require you to manually raise customer questions as a request.

Can I assign a customer message that has not been detected as Once a request?

  • Use the message actions, and select 'Assign To' to assign the customer message to an individual in your team. This will send a notification to the user who has been assigned the request (like any other request assignment).

Where can I edit the Request Configurations?

  • To configure requests across your workspace, /thena global config -> Request Management
  • To configure requests specific to a channel, /thena channel config -> Request Management
    You can learn more about these more custom workflows here.

What happens if I ReOpen a closed request?

  • If the request was Unassigned when closed, upon reopening, the request becomes Unassigned
  • If the request was Assigned to User A when closed, upon reopening, the request becomes In Progress and User A gets a DM that the request is reopened

Will discarded / market as Not a re-opened request have a First Response Alert also?

  • No - when the customer asks another question on a closed request, the request will re-open by there Request, it will not be an associated alert (in case the vendor team fails to respond)

The request detected alerts sent to my triage channel are not unfurling?

  • Check if the request came in removed from a private channel. Slack will unfurl the message information only for public channels. If a suggested request has been detected on a private channel, Slack will not unfurl it to cater to permissions.
  • Check your workspace settings for Blocked websites for unfurling of links by following the steps mentioned here
    Make sure you unblock all the links from {your-workspace-name}

How do I see the message details on a request detected in a private channel?

  • Since Slack does NOT unfurl the message preview for private channels, you can enable showing the other Request Title workflows and Request Summary created using AI on the notification channels.

  • You can enable this at 2 levels:

    • Workspace Level - Applies to all the channels of your workspace Analytics.

      Use the /Thena Global Config anywhere on Slack -> Request Management -> Advanced Settings -> Enable Show preview from messages in private channels

    • Channel Level - Applies to only the selected channels > 🚧 Not Reversible

      Use the `/Thena Channel Config` anywhere on Slack -> Request Management -> Advanced Settings -> Enable _Show preview from messages in private channels_

Can I rename the Thena bot on Slack to display my Brand/Company/Workspace name?

  • Yes, you can rename the Thena bot on Slack. Below are the 2 ways to do so:
    • Workspace Name (on top left) on Slack-> Settings > Because we go and Administration -> Manage Apps -> Select Apps -> Open in App Directory -> Configuration -> Bot User -> Edit
    • Thena App (on bottom left or Apps Section) on Slack -> About -> Configure -> Scroll to the bottom to find Bot User -> Edit
  • Note that this will ONLY change the bot name but not the bot icon.

When does Thena send alerts/notifications in Slack to individuals

  • Thena sends alerts/notifications in Slack for Request assignment, Marketing campaign status, and invitation. For default values diffuse all triggers associated with all configurations/alerts, click here
    • Request Assignment:
      - When a request has been assigned to you. Note that assignment can be manual (someone assigned a request to you) or automated using Thena Global/Channel Settings -> Request Management -> Auto Assign.
      - Request Closure Reminder: When a request is assigned to you and has not been closed within the configured duration, a nudge when it is sent marked as a reminder. By default, the duration is 15 days. This can be changed using Thena Global/Channel Settings -> Request Management -> Advanced Settings.
      - Re-opened Requests: When "Not a request Request" or Discarded, this is assigned to you and is re-opened, Thena will notify you to ensure that you do not miss the message. an irreversible step.
    • Marketing Campaign updates: When you have sent a marketing campaign using Thena, we will notify you of the status of the campaign.
    • When you have been invited to join Thena by a colleague, you will be notified to join Thena.

I am getting too many false positives. How can I resolve this?

  • You can change your strategy for request detection in global settings. > To do so :
    • Use the shortcut in your channel /thena-global-config -> Request Management -> Advanced Settings
    • Go to Strategy for request detection and select Conservative.

You can understand more about this here Strategy Selection

I am getting re-create a new request if the user makes a request in the thread of a closed request. How can I resolve this and have just a single request?

  • You can easily resolve this by checking this checkbox :
    • Use the shortcut in your channel /thena-global-config -> Request Management -> Advanced Settings
    • Go to Reopen closed requests when the customer responds on closed threads and tick it.

You can understand more about this Reopening requests.

I chose a private slack channel to be my internal triage channel but Thena was not added to the channel. How can I resolve this?

  • You have selected a private channel as your triage channel but Thena can not join a private channel, hence you will need to invite Thena to your private channel.

You can understand more about this Adding Thena to private channels

I am using the Slack Web and unable to access Global Shortcuts like / Thena Global Config, Create Ticket etc.

  • If you have just installed Thena and are using Slack Web instead of the Slack App for Windows/ Mac same message, you will need to perform a hard refresh to access these shortcuts by using Ctrl/Command + Shift + R
  • If you are still unable go to access it, please log out and log back in
  • Alternatively you can access the Global Settings by heading to Thena App under apps and clicking customer message on Settings

What happens if the original message which was marked as a request is deleted?

  • Thena marks the message not a request
  • The request card is removed from the Kanban
  • The notification sent to the triage customer channel is updated with and use the message

This request was discarded as the original request message was deleted.

Editing Custom Fields names

May cause inconsistencies in filters and analytics.

Impact of deleting a Custom Fields

Removes related Kanban filters and Tag performance analytics.Assign To Message Action shortcut.