
In Beta

Our APIs are in private beta and so the request and response signatures can change.

Base URL



This API requires authentication using an API key. Include the API key in the headers of your requests as follows:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY


GET Requests

GET /v1/requests

Query Parameters

start_dateEpoch/POSIX time in seconds: eg: 1703721600Optional
end_dateEpoch/POSIX time in seconds: eg: 1703807999Optional
limitDefault: 100, Max: 1000Optional
next_cursorFetch the next set of resultsOptional

Example Request

curl --location 'https://api.thena.ai/rest/v1/requests?start_date=1704758400&end_date=1704885333&limit=10&next_cursor=aWQ6NjU5ZDYyMDRmZjI1YTdhY2U2OGUzMjQ2' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer your_bearer_token'

Example Response

    "requests": [
            "request_id": 1234,
            "created_at_utc": "2024-01-09 22:27:40",
            "workspace_name": "example workspace",
            "slack_channel": "ext-thena-example",
            "customer_name": "John Doe",
            "requestor_email": "[email protected]",
            "request_title": "Request for attention on Downtime.",
            "request_summary": "The customer John Doe is requesting assistance regarding a downtime.",
            "sentiment": "Neutral",
            "urgency": "High",
            "status": "OPEN",
            "assigned_on_utc": "",
            "assigned_to_user_email": "",
            "first_response_time_utc": "",
            "number_of_replies": 0,
            "closed_by": "",
            "feedback": "\"NA\"",
            "csat_score": "NA",
            "closed_on_utc": "",
            "resolution_time_hours": "",
            "on_hold_on_utc": "",
            "on_hold_by": "",
            "on_hold_by_user_email": "",
            "ai_tags": "Attention, Request",
            "slack_thread_link": "https://example-workspace.slack.com/archives/C01234JHL21/p1704811145999999?thread_ts=1704811144.000000&cid=C012H34J7SH",
            "internal_thread_slack_link": "https://example-workspace.slack.com/archives/C01234SH031/p1704812345999999",
            "ticket_id": "",
            "ticket_connector_name": "",
            "ticket_link": "",
         	 	"external_links": [
              "assignee": "Lorem ipsum",
              "created_at_utc": "Lorem ipsum",
              "description": "Lorem ipsum",
              "integration": "Lorem ipsum",
              "labels": ["Lorem ipsum", "Lorem ipsum"],
              "status": "Lorem ipsum",
              "title": "Lorem ipsum",
              "url": "Lorem ipsum"
            "crm_data": {
                "name": "My CRM Company",
                "crm_id": "211248829"
            "merged_requests": [
                "title": "Lorem ipsum",
                "ts": "Lorem ipsum",
                "customer_channel_permalink": "Lorem ipsum",
                "internal_channel_permalink": "Lorem ipsum",
                "request_id": "Lorem ipsum"
    "response_metadata": {
        "next_cursor": "aWQ6NjU5ZGQ2NmNmZmIyOWMwOTMzMzM5NWZm"

GET Tickets

GET /v1/tickets

Query Parameters

start_dateEpoch/POSIX time in seconds: eg: 1703721600Optional
end_dateEpoch/POSIX time in seconds: eg: 1703807999Optional
limitDefault: 100, Max: 1000Optional
next_cursorFetch the next set of resultsOptional

Example Request

curl --location 'https://api.thena.ai/rest/v1/tickets?start_date=1704758400&end_date=1704885333&limit=10&next_cursor=aWQ6NjU5ZDYyMDRmZjI1YTdhY2U2OGUzMjQ2' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer your_bearer_token'

Example Response

    "tickets": [
            "request_id": 5861,
            "requestor_name": "Clark Kent",
            "message_datetime_utc": "2024-01-09 22:00:01",
            "workspace_name": "SpaceGrow",
            "thena_ticket_status": "In-Progress",
            "ticket_id": 2222,
            "ticket_link": "https://example-thena.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/2222",
            "connector_name": "Zendesk",
            "ticket_creator": "John Doe",
            "ticket_creation_datetime_utc": "2024-01-09 23:22:35",
            "number_of_messages": 0,
            "title": "Assistance needed with queue.",
            "priority": "Medium",
            "tags": "",
            "connector_ticket_status": "New",
            "aggregate_csat_score": "",
            "customer_feedback_responses": "",
            "ticket_reopened": "No"
    "response_metadata": {
        "next_cursor": "aWQ6NjU5ZGQ2NmNmZmIyOWMwOTMzMzM5NWZm"


  • Dates and times are provided in UTC.
  • API responses are subject to rate limiting based on your subscription plan.

Please ensure that you have read and understood the API usage guidelines and authentication requirements before making requests.

For any questions or support, please contact our support team on Slack!