Custom fields

Tag and categorize requests with specific, and customizable labels.


Custom fields provide advanced categorization and organization for handling requests. These are fully searchable, and you get deep analytics on each custom field, allowing you to uncover trends, identify bottlenecks, and optimize your workflow.

Say goodbye to manual entries—Thena’s AI auto-fills custom fields effortlessly.


To create a new custom field, go to Settings on the web app, select Custom fields, and click + Create custom field.

Custom field metadata




The label or identifier for the custom field.


Types of fields supported

  • Single-select
  • Multi-select
  • Radio
  • Link

Available values

The set of selectable values.

Mandatory on close

Custom field that must be filled for request closure.

AI auto-apply

Custom field automatically populated by AI unless manually overridden.


Custom fields that are manually assigned cannot be overridden by AI.