Customer join alert

πŸ‘ Get notified whenever a customer user has joined a channel

Real-time customer join alert

Get instant notifications in your chosen Slack channel whenever a user joins a customer channel. This functionality enables you to actively engage with new customer users across different channels

User Join Notification Example

Configuration of the workflow

To enable notifications for new user joins, follow these steps:

  1. In Slack, go to /Thena Global Config.
  2. Click the Configure Workflows button.
  3. Select the Notify when a new user joins a customer channel option.
  4. Channel Selection:
    • Manually choose channels by their names or apply conditions to automate channel selection.
    • Conditions can be "Channel Name starts with" or "Channel Name ends with."
    • When selecting a condition, you must also provide the corresponding pattern.
  5. Notification Destination: Choose the Slack channel where you wish to receive notifications about new users joining.