
Thena Kanban streamlines customer requests with customizable lanes, offering detailed card views for summaries, chats, replies, statuses, CRM integration, and more.

Streamline customer request management with intuitive lanes representing request statuses. Each card expands into a comprehensive drawer, housing request summaries, chat functionality, CRM fields, custom fields, and more. Empowering teams to efficiently handle requests while maintaining clear communication and organized workflow.

Parent Statuses on Kanban:

  • Unassigned: A request was detected but has not yet been picked up by an individual.
  • In Progress: A request was detected and has been assigned to a user, or a ticket has been created and is being worked on.
  • On Hold: A request was detected and has been placed on hold as it requires time/resources from a vendor or inputs from the customer (e.g., waiting on the customer), or a ticket has been marked on hold for the same reason.
  • Closed: A request was detected and has since been resolved, or a ticket has been closed.

Enabling custom statuses expands the Kanban board with additional columns. Users can opt to conceal columns from the Kanban view if desired.


Requests visibility

Admins see all the requests even if they are not part of the channel. Others see only the requests of the channels they are part of.

Request Card

Customer icon and logo:

The card displays the customer's icon and logo for Slack Connect channels. For guest channels, it shows the requestor's icon and the channel name.

Requestor information:

Includes the requestor's name, urgency level (automatically generated by AI), AI tags, request date, and replies within the request thread.


  • Assignee: Allows adding or updating the assignee directly from the card. The assigned person receives a notification containing relevant request details.
  • Not a Request: Marks the request as invalid. It will be removed from the Kanban view. If a new request is detected on a thread previously marked as 'Not a Request', the new request will appear in the Kanban view.


If there was a conversion of request to ticket, the logo of the ticketing system where the request has been converted into a ticket will be displayed here on the card.


The 'Not a Request' feature will help our ML model in accurately predicting requests for specific use cases in every workspace.

Request Drawer

Kanban Drawer is designed for vendors to efficiently manage customer requests. It provides an AI-generated title and summary of each request, allowing vendors to quickly grasp the context. Through a seamless integration with Slack, vendors can engage with customers using a rich text editor directly from Kanban Drawer.

Vendors have access to additional request details such as priority level, adherence to response and resolution SLAs, escalation status, and any attached files from Linear or Jira. Account details related to the request are also readily available.

Kanban Drawer fosters collaboration by enabling vendors to navigate seamlessly between Slack threads and internal collaboration threads, ensuring all stakeholders are on the same page. Experience the synergy of customer support, account management, and customer relationship management converging into a single, efficient platform.

The AI Generated Title and summary is visible on the left card. Also, the total number of messages, and threads associated with the request along with a CTA to open the relevant request in Slack is available to the user. The actual communication with the customer is highlighted below this.

List of Kanban Drawer components:

  • Request title, AI enabled
  • Request summary, AI enabled
  • Customer conversation thread in Slack/Email/Web/Customer portal
  • Reply to customer conversation thread using rich text editor with attachment, and emoji support
  • CSAT
  • Escalation
  • Assigned to
  • AI Tags
  • Urgency
  • Status
  • Sentiment
  • First Response SLA
  • Resolution SLA
  • Custom fields
  • External Links
  • CRM fields
  • Recent Requests

List view

Requests are presented in a list format, offering a straightforward and detailed view of all items. Navigate through your requests in a list format, making it easier to manage and organize large numbers of requests.

Bulk update request actions

Update multiple requests simultaneously, significantly improving efficiency. The group actions supported on requests include:

  • Assign
  • Not a request
  • Status
  • External Links
  • Sentiment
  • Urgency
  • Create ticket
  • Custom fields


Power user tip: (Up/Down arrow) + 'x' in the keyboard is supported.

Kanban filters

The Kanban will automatically show the filters of the last session of an individual user.

  1. Quick filters
    1. My Requests shows all requests that are assigned to you.
    2. Escalated Requests shows all requests that have not been replied to the customer and have breached the First Response Alert set for a workspace.
  2. Default filters
    1. Date: This filters on Request Creation date.
    2. Type (Options include Requests, and Tickets)
    3. Assignees (Dropdown of users that have been assigned a request/ticket)
    4. Account Owner (Dropdown of users that are marked as account owners)
    5. Customers (Dropdown of Account Names)
  3. Add filter options
    1. Sentiment (AI Generated for requests)
    2. Urgency (AI Generated for requests)
    3. Tags (AI Generated for requests)
    4. Solution engineer (Dropdown of Solution Engineers configured in Thena)
    5. {{Custom Tag Based Filters }} (If you have setup tags for your Workspace, the relevant tags can be filtered here).
  4. Sort by
    1. Newest/oldest: Show requests basis when they were created
    2. Recent activity (Recommended): Shows all requests sorted by the descending order of activity seen in the thread (e.g. If a 30 day old request has a message that was sent a few minutes ago, it would show up higher than a request that is 10 days old but has had no activity in the last few hours).


Date Range Filters

On first login, Thena will show requests/tickets for the last 30 days.

Saved views

Saved views allows users to customize and save specific filters and preferences for their Kanban boards. This enhances user productivity by enabling quick access to tailored views of their preference and objective. Users can create, manage, and customize these saved views to suit their individual needs or share them with colleagues within the organization.

Key Features:

Custom filtersUsers can apply any available filters, including those related to CRM (Customer Relationship Management), to refine the data displayed on their Kanban boards.
Save viewsOnce filters and preferences are set, users have the option to save their customized view for easy access later.
Configurable accessWhen saving views, you have the option to save them for either personal visibility or for the entire team. This choice is presented to you at the time of saving.
Automatic openingSaved views automatically load the preferred settings, eliminating the need for users to manually apply filters each time they access their Kanban board.
Organized menuAll saved views are conveniently stored on the left-hand menu of the Thena Kanban interface, ensuring quick navigation and access.
Edit and updateUsers have the flexibility to edit the name and filters of existing saved views at any time, allowing for easy updates and modifications.
Unlimited viewsThere is no limit to the number of saved views users can create, enabling them to tailor their Kanban boards to various scenarios and workflows.


How are visibility of requests controlled in Kanban?

In our Kanban system, the visibility of requests is controlled based on the user's role within the workspace:

  • Thena Admins: See all requests across the entire workspace, regardless of the specific channels those requests belong to.
  • Users: Only see requests for the channels that they are a part of. This ensures that users focus on requests that are relevant to their area of work or expertise, maintaining privacy and efficiency within teams.

This visibility control mechanism ensures that information is accessible to those who need it while protecting the confidentiality of requests across different channels.

How do dates work in the Kanban?

On first login, Thena will show requests/tickets created in the last 30 days. If you select specific dates in the date filter (e.g. Aug 2, 2023 to Aug 10, 2023), then the webapp will 'remember' those dates as long as the login session is active.

However, if you select the 'Last 1 week', 'Last 2 weeks', 'Last Month', 'All Time' and other rolling filters, then the Kanban will auto update with the latest incoming requests also.

Note On logout, we currently do not store the dates/filters associated with a user. This is a change that will be released shortly.


The dates are used to filter requests created within the time period.

Why do certain requests show up with the requestor image and the channel name, instead of the workspace image and workspace name?

When a request is detected on a guest channel, we do not show the workspace image/workspace name as that will be the vendor workspace, and thus add limited context to the underlying request.

In such scenarios, we have defaulted to showing the channel name, and the requestor image, as those are still helpful in understanding where the request is coming from.

Why do the message counts differ between the Kanban card and drawer?

The Kanban Card shows the number of replies to a particular request in Slack. This is meant to help the user see the engagement on a particular request thread.

The Request Drawer shows the number of total comments in the request (including the message that has generated the request. The number of messages, and threads are used to see if this request is part of a grouping, and what the associated threads are in the relevant grouping.

How do I go to the relevant support ticket using the Kanban drawer?

What sets apart the tags on the card from the custom fields we establish?

Request card tags are autonomously generated by AI, eliminating the need for manual supervision. These tags serve as a proactive method for identifying the essence of a particular request, facilitating deeper insights into customer inquiries.

Custom fields, tailored to individual requirements and processes, enhance the efficiency of customer-facing teams' workflows. Teams commonly employ tags to track internal statuses (such as In Product, In Engineering, In Testing, and In Backlog), product details, customer tiers, and more. Within Thena, we utilize tags including Product (Request, Connectors, Analytics, Email to Slack, etc.), Category (ARR: Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3), Customer Risk (High, Medium, Low), GTM Priority (indicating the urgency for GTM teams), and links (for platforms like Linear/Figma, etc.).


We now have the capability to Auto Assign custom fields using our language models. for more information, click [here](https://help.thena.ai/docs/request-management-categories-tags