External Links

External links allow you to connect a Request in Thena to tickets in other systems e.g (JIRA, Linear etc) and it helps in ensuring that changes happening in those external systems are linked to your customer requests in Thena.

Currently, the following integrations are supported:

  1. Linear
    Connect Linear tickets that your other teams use (typically the engineering or the product team) to Thena Requests. Any changes or progress made on those tickets are notified back on the Request.
  2. Jira
    Connect JIRA tickets that your other teams use (typically the engineering, IT Management or Product Teams) to Thena Requests. Any changes or progress made on those tickets are notified back on the Request.
  3. Shortcut
    Connect Shortcut stories that your teams use (typically the engineering or the product team) to Thena Requests. Any changes or progress made on those tickets are notified back on the Request.