
Send Requests escalated in Slack to Opsgenie


Opsgenie is an advanced incident management platform that facilitates effective alerting and on-call management, ensuring critical incidents are acted upon without delay. The Thena <> Opsgenie integration automates the creation of incidents in Opsgenie, enhancing operational efficiency across various organizational roles:

  • Customer Support Agents: When customer issues are escalated, Thena automatically logs an incident in Opsgenie, enabling quick resolution of critical concerns by support agents.

How does it work?

Integrating Opsgenie with Thena creates a seamless workflow where escalated or urgent requests are transformed into incidents on Opsgenie:

  • A customer initiates contact via Slack.
  • Based on configured triggers, incidents are raised in Opsgenie in these situations:
  • These triggers are customizable during the Opsgenie setup process on the Thena app.

Get started

  1. Generate an API key in Opsgenie.
  2. Configure Opsgenie settings in the Thena web app.

Generate an API key in Opsgenie

Create a new API key by following the guidance in the Opsgenie documentation here. Using a new API key is recommended to avoid complications if the key is later deactivated.

Configure Opsgenie settings in the Thena web app

Navigate to the Thena web app, and click on 'Add Integration' under Opsgenie. Follow these steps:

  • Click on Connect on the top right of the modal.
  • Enter the API Key generated in Opsgenie and click 'Continue'.
  • Choose your preferences for how incidents are created in Opsgenie.

Incident details

  1. Thena uploads the following details to Opsgenie when an incident is created on all requests.
AI generated summaryThe summary generated by Thena AI is sent to Opsgenie when the incident is created.
SentimentThena generated sentiment of the request
UrgencyThena generated urgency of the request
Slack permalinkThe Slack URL of the customer message where the incident originated.
  1. Thena uploads the following details to Opsgenie when an incident is created via manual escalation.
AI generated summaryThe summary generated by Thena AI is sent to Opsgenie when the incident is created.
Slack permalinkThe Slack URL of the customer message where the incident originated.
Escalation reasonThe reason provided while creating an escalation on the request from Slack.
Escalation detailsThe details provided while creating an escalation on the request from Slack.
Business impactThe business impact noted while creating an escalation on the request from Slack.
Escalated byName of the customer whose message was escalated.


What is the purpose of integrating Thena with Opsgenie?

Integrating Thena with Opsgenie streamlines the incident management process by automating the creation of incidents directly from Thena requests, enhancing response efficiency and effectiveness.

Can users customize the incident creation process from our platform to Opsgenie?

Yes, users can configure specific Thena requests to trigger incident creation in Opsgenie, enabling tailored incident management workflows.

Is there a way to track and manage incidents created from Thena in Opsgenie?

Incidents created through our integration can be tracked and managed directly on Opsgenie’s dashboard, where they are fully visible and controllable.

Does editing an incident in Opsgenie affect the request on Thena?

The integration between Thena and Opsgenie is unidirectional. Incidents created in Opsgenie reflect the details from Thena based on configured settings, without affecting the original Thena request.

What security measures are in place for data shared between our platform and Opsgenie?

We ensure the security of data transferred between Thena and Opsgenie with strong encryption protocols, maintaining high standards of data protection and security.