CSAT for Requests in Slack is the way for you to gather feedback for your customer requests right within Slack.
Gauge your customer's sentiment and evaluate your customer facing team's performance along with areas of improvement.

2 Point v/s Five Point

  • 2 Point
  • 5 Point

Message vs Ephemeral

  • Message: When sent as a message, CSAT request is visible to all the members of the channel. When you receive a feedback, everyone in the channel can see who all have participated and the average
  • Ephemeral: Ephemerals are messages ONLY visible to a specific users who participated in the thread. When you receive a feedback, no one in the external/ customer channel can see who all have participated and the average

Configuration steps:

You can enable CSAT for your Slack workspace right from within Slack.

  1. Start typing β€œ/thena global config” anywhere in Slack.
  2. Select Request Management
  3. Select CSAT Management
  4. Enable CSAT

Settings for CSAT

Enable CSAT MessageEnable Sending a message on the thread when a request is closedDisabled
Send CSAT Message as EphemeralEnabling this would send the CSAT message visible only to the customer users interacting on the request threadDisabled
Request for Additional FeedbackWhen your customers give you a CSAT, request for additional feedback on how your did. This opens a popup requesting for text input.Disabled
Forward Request CSATs received to a separate ChannelWhen your customers give you a CSAT, we will send the results to the below selected internal channelDisabled
Default CSAT Result ChannelCSATs received from your customers will be redirected here.NA
CSAT MessageThe message to be sent to your customers for requesting CSATThis request has been closed. Please share your feedback
CSAT Message Type2 Point - πŸ‘ OR πŸ‘Ž
5 Point CSAT - :😠| 😦 | 😐 | :πŸ˜ƒ| 😍
2 Point


  • Send CSAT Feedback sent in the Triage Channel: We share the feedback and the additional text feedback shared by the customers in thread of the alert message sent to the triage channel. This is sent ONLY if you have set a notifications of Requests to a triage channel
  • Set a separate channel of CSATs: We share the feedback and the additional text feedback shared by the customers in the channel you have set for forwarding the CSATs. We also link the exact request for which you have received the CSAT for.
    Note: This is sent ONLY if you have configured forwarding of CSAT messages
  • Download Requests from the Kanban: You can download the Requests from the Web App's Kanban via https://app.thena.ai/requests


When is the CSAT message sent?

The CSAT message/ephemeral (based on your settings) is sent out when you close a request.

Does the CSAT message gets deleted if the request is reopened

Yes, the CSAT message sent to the customers in the thread is deleted if the request is reopened.

Note that only if the CSAT was sent as a message, it is deleted. Ephemerals cannot be deleted if the request is reopened. They are deleted if the customer reopened the request or shared feedback.

Can my customers reopen the request from the CSAT message?

Yes, they have a button within the CSAT message for reopening a request.

Can my customers edit the feedback they shared?

Only if the CSAT was sent as a message. The customer can click on any of the emoticons again to update their feedback
Ephemerals are deleted once the customer clicks on any emoticons and hence those can NOT be updated by the customer.

I am unable to see the CSAT Message

Did you select the setting of "Send CSAT Message as Ephemeral" - If yes, the CSAT message is ONLY visible to your customers who have interacted in the thread.
No one from your team can see the CSAT Messages.

I do not want the CSAT to be shown to everyone in the customer/ external channel

You can enable the setting of "Send CSAT Message as Ephemeral". Enabling this would send the CSAT message visible only to the customer users interacting on the request thread

Who all get the CSAT ephemeral?

All the customer team member's who had interacted (messaged, not added reactions) on the thread which was a request.