
Easy way to save and reuse messages.


Snippets in Thena streamline customer communication by enabling quick insertion of pre-configured responses. Users can access these responses via a dropdown menu or a shortcut while replying, allowing for consistent and efficient interactions. Snippets can be customized before sending, ensuring speed and relevance in customer responses.


Create a Snippet

  • Head to Snippets.
  • Click on the "Create snippet" button.
  • Fill in the "Snippet name" field with a descriptive title.
  • Enter the desired response content in the "Content" field. You can format the text using the rich text editor tools provided.
  • Choose the access level for the snippet:
    • Only me: The snippet will be available only to you.
    • Everyone: The snippet will be available to all users.
  • Click Save

Use case

  • While responding to a customer from the Thena editor, click the snippet icon or use the shortcut "/"
  • A drop-down menu will appear with a list of available snippets.
  • Select the snippet you wish to use or create new. It will automatically insert the pre-configured response into the editor.
  • Edit the inserted snippet if needed before sending your response.

Discover Thena

Check out where snippets are the most powerful.