AI summaries


Thena offers a comprehensive summary feature that provides daily, weekly, and monthly summaries of your conversations on Slack with specific accounts. These summaries are designed to keep your HubSpot CRM or Salesforce account up to date, providing valuable insights and a clear record of interactions.

Details of the summary

All AI summaries will constitute the below fields:

Heading - {Daily | Weekly | Monthly} AI Summary - {Date | Duration}This is the heading of the summary
AI titleA brief description of the summary
AI summaryThe detailed description of the summary
AI tagsKey highlighted words in the conversation
ParticipantsNames of the users in the Slack conversation
SentimentAI generated sentiment of the entire conversation
Action itemsAny action items discussed in the conversation
Important datesMention of any important dates
LinksAny URLs/meeting links shared


Learn more about Salesforce CRM integration with Thena


Learn more about HubSpot CRM integration with Thena