
One place to manage customer conversations.


Manage customer conversations, update assignees, and adjust request statuses all from one place. Consolidate SLA details, custom fields, and CRM data in a unified view. Seamlessly connect interactions across Slack, email, web chat, and Thena.

Key features


Drawer componentsDescription
TitleAI-generated request title (editable).
AI summaryBrief AI-generated overview of the request's content and context.
Customer conversation threadSlack conversation in the customer channel with a built-in rich text editor.
AssigneeIdentifies the assignee of the request.
UrgencyAI-generated priority level (Urgent, High, Medium, Low) assigned to the request, with an option for manual adjustment.
StatusCurrent status of the request, with the option to transition to different statuses.
SentimentAI-generated analysis of the customer's tone or emotional state, with an option to adjust the sentiment if necessary.
CSATCustomer satisfaction score (out of 5), reflecting their feedback, easily accessible for reference.
EscalationIndicates whether the request has been escalated.
AI tagsConfigurable via the Display setting, displaying AI-generated tags for key highlights within the request.
First response SLACategorizes the first response SLA as overdue, due, or delayed based on response status.
Resolution SLASpecifies the committed time frame for resolving the customer's issue, categorized as overdue or due.
Custom fieldsCustom data fields created by the vendor during request creation.
External linksLinks to related Linear or JIRA tickets associated with the request.
CRM fieldsData fields associated with the CRM platform related to the request.
Recent requestsA list of the latest requests submitted by the customer.


Emoji reactionsReact and add emojis
Edit messageEasily edit messages sent from Thena
Delete messageMessage sent can be deleted
Copy message linkMessages sent can be copied to be shared


Edit, delete, and emoji support varies by communication channel.


Reply using the built-in editor to the customer Slack thread or the internal triage channel. Outlining the primary rich text formatting in the editor below:

BoldApply bold styling to the text for emphasis.
ItalicsApply italic styling to text to highlight or differentiate.
StrikethroughCross-out text is useful for indicating removal or changes.
Ordered listCreate a list with sequential numbers.
Unordered listCreate a list with bullet points.
CodeFormat text as in-line code for technical snippets or terms.
Insert linkAdd hyperlinks to text for reference or further reading.
Quoted textUse to indicate and format text quoted from another source or to highlight a particular text.
Code blockFormat text segments as code that are useful for displaying code snippets or commands within a text.
AttachmentsAttach image, video, and text files for sharing.