
Quickly perform actions using predefined shortcuts.

JDrawerMove to previous request (Up)
KDrawerMove to next request (Down)
SDrawerChange status
ADrawerChange assignee
DDrawerDiscard request
EDrawerClose request
Command + EDrawerClose request and move to previous
Command + Shift + EDrawerClose request and move to next
Command + EnterDrawer > EditorSend the comment
EscapeDrawerClose the drawer
/Drawer > EditorSelect or create a snippet
Shift + DDrawer > DetailsGo to Details section in Request drawer
Shift + IDrawer > Internal threadGo to Internal threads section in Request drawer
Shift + ADrawer > ActivitiesGo to Activities section in Request drawer
Shift + SDrawer > Subscribe / UnsubscribeSubscribe or Unsubscribe in Request drawer
Control + LKanban > List view > KanbanSwitch between Kanban and List view
DeleteInbox > Delete notificationDelete notification in Inbox view
F + AKanban > Requests assigned to meShow only Requests assigned to me on Kanban & List view