
Create and manage customer relationships.


Accounts offer a streamlined view of all customer accounts, allowing users to manage, filter, and edit account information. Accounts are created through multiple communication channels, including:

  • Thena Slack app added to Slack channels
  • Incoming emails or web chat messages from unique domains not yet associated with existing accounts in Thena
  • Manual account creation, initiated by users

Key features

Default columns

  • Account name: The name of the customer or organization
  • Contacts: A list of individuals linked to the account
  • Primary domain: The main domain associated with the account
  • Slack channel: The channel name in Slack where the Thena bot is linked
  • Account owner: The Thena user is responsible for managing the account
  • Company in CRM: Displays the company linked to the CRM system
  • CRM sync status: Shows if the account is mapped to the CRM and whether the sync is successful

Customizable columns

In addition to the default columns, users can personalize their account view by adding new columns from a list of available options. This includes:

  • CRM fields: Data pulled directly from your CRM system, such as CRM account ID, account tier, and more
  • Non-CRM fields: Editable fields not synced with the CRM. Users with admin access can modify these fields, such as:
    • Account logo
    • Account name
    • Primary and secondary domains
    • CRM mapping (if the account is not yet mapped)

Account creation sources

Accounts can be created automatically via Slack integration, emails, and web chat messages or manually by users. The system ensures no duplicate accounts are created by matching domains against existing records.


Users can filter accounts based on:

  • Thena account metadata: Including the fields populated within Thena
  • CRM metadata: Any fields pulled in from the CRM, such as CRM status, account owner, or company tiers
  • CRM mapping: The table displays the number of accounts synced with the CRM, with a clear status indicator showing whether the sync was successful.

Editing account information

Admins can update critical information within the accounts table, such as:

  • Changing the account’s logo
  • Modifying the account’s name and domains
  • Manually mapping an account to the CRM if the automatic sync has not occurred

Account overview

At the top of the accounts section, users can see the total number of accounts and how many are currently mapped to the CRM system. This provides a quick snapshot of account coverage and CRM integration health.