Display view


Maximize your efficiency by customizing which labels and CRM fields are visible on your request cards. Simplify your workspace with a more cohesive and streamlined view.


Display view customizations are user-specific. Each user has the ability to personalize their card, list, and drawer views to their preferences.

Card customization options:

  • First response SLA: View the status of your first response Service Level Agreement (SLA) as either overdue, on track, or delayed, providing immediate insight into response timelines.
  • Resolution SLA: Monitor your commitment to clarifying customer issues, displaying whether the resolution time is within, past, or approaching the SLA due date.
  • AI tags: Quickly spot essential elements in requests with AI-generated tags, summarizing key points for easy reference.
  • CRM fields: Seamlessly integrate and access fields from your CRM tools, such as Hubspot or SFDC, assuming the configuration is complete.

Steps to personalize your dashboard:

  • Navigate to your dashboard and click the 'Display' button, which is located in the upper right area.
  • Use the checkboxes to select which labels and CRM fields you wish to see.
  • Open a request card to confirm your display settings are applied.


Your display view preferences are permanently set, even after logging out, and will persist until user updates them.