Configure a Channel in the Webapp

Your customers likely have different SLAs, and requirements. Thena has developed the ability to configure how you communicate with your customers on Slack.



  • Set a First Response Alert for the channel (currently, only hours timeframe is supported).
  • All requests created will show the relevant alert when the stipulated time period has passed (only to your organisation).
  • Alerts will be configured accordingly, and will highlight the relevant First Response breaches to you

Roles or Personas

Setup Personas to customise your alerts, escalations and more! Personas supported:

  • Account Owner
  • Primary Exec Sponsor
  • Solutions Engineer
  • Customer Primary POC
  • Customer Primary Exec Sponsor

Customised Alerts

  • When a request has been escalated or has breached the Alert configuration, Thena can notify your Account Owner.
  • You can auto-assign a request to the account owner for that customer. This feature is useful if you want a dedicated person to handle most of the communication associated with a customer. The Account owner will then be notified whenever a request in the relevant channel is created. This can be configured in Slack using '/Thena Channel Config-> Request Management -> Advanced Settings'.
  • Coming Soon
    • When a Customer POC or a Customer Exec Sponsor leaves a channel, Thena will notify your CSM, Solution Engineer and Internal Sponsor.
    • When the Customer POC / Customer Exec Sponsor activity is dropping, Thena will notify you (either through a channel or to your CSM, Solution Engineer and Internal Sponsor).


Ability to pull personas through your CRM directly is coming soon for Hubspot and Salesforce.