This endpoint allows for updating various fields of a request using its id. The following fields can be updated:

  • status: A string representing the status of the request.
  • ai_metadata: An object containing metadata generated by Thena AI. Only urgency and sentiment are updatable.
  • sub_status: An id representing a sub-status, which can be fetched via the GetAllStatuses endpoint.
  • assigned_to_user_id: An id representing the user assigned to the request, which can be fetched via another endpoint.
  • custom_fields: An object representing custom fields associated with the request.

AI metadata schema

    "title": "String",
    "summary": "String",
    "internal_summary": "String",
    "tags": ["String"],
    "category": "String",
    "userDefinedTags": ["String"],
    "urgency": "String",
    "urgencySource": { "type": "String", "default": "AI" },
    "actionable": "String",
    "sentiment": "String",
    "sentimentSource": { "type": "String", "default": "AI" },
    "updatedOn": "Date"

Custom fields schema

        "category_name": "String",
        "values": [
                "name": "String",
                "value": "String"
        "manual": {
            "type": "Boolean",
            "default": true

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!