Return all requests, sorted by the most recently updated.
Response parameters
Field Name | Description |
data[].status | The primary status of the request (e.g., OPEN, INPROGRESS, ONHOLD, CLOSED). |
data[].sub_status[] | Array of sub-statuses under the primary status. |
data[].sub_status[]->_id | Unique identifier for the sub-status. |
data[].sub_status[]->name | Name of the sub-status (e.g., Bug). |
data[].sub_status[]->parent | The parent status to which the sub-status belongs (e.g., ONHOLD). |
data[].sub_status[]->isDefaultForParent | Boolean indicating if this sub-status is the default for the parent status. |
data[].sub_status[]->description | Description of the sub-status. |
data[].sub_status[]->isEnabled | Boolean indicating whether the sub-status is enabled. |
data[].sub_status[]->isAIManaged | Boolean indicating if the sub-status is managed by AI. |
data[].sub_status[]->createdAt | Timestamp indicating when the sub-status was created. |
data[].sub_status[]->updatedAt | Timestamp indicating when the sub-status was last updated. |
data[].sub_status[]->__v | Version key for the sub-status document. |
message | Message indicating the status retrieval outcome. |