This returns a request by ID.

Response parameters

Field NameDescription
data.idUnique identifier for the request.
data.created_atTimestamp indicating when the request was created.
data.updated_atTimestamp indicating when the request was last updated.
data.original_message_tsOriginal message timestamp from the source (e.g., Slack or email).
data.original_message_textContent of the original message.
data.original_message_sourceSource of the original message (e.g., EMAIL, SLACK).
data.original_message_user_idID of the user who sent the original message.
data.original_message_permalinkPermalink to the original message.
data.original_message_user_nameName of the user who sent the original message.
data.original_message_user_slack_nameSlack username of the message sender.
data.original_message_user_slack_profile_real_nameReal name of the user who sent the original message.
data.original_message_user_slack_profile_image_48URL to the 48px version of the user's profile image.
data.original_message_user_slack_profile_image_72URL to the 72px version of the user's profile image.
data.original_message_user_slack_profile_image_512URL to the 512px version of the user's profile image.
data.sla_metrics.first_response_sla.is_validBoolean indicating if the first response SLA is valid.
data.sla_metrics.first_response_sla.is_breachedBoolean indicating if the first response SLA has been breached.
data.sla_metrics.resolution_sla.is_validBoolean indicating if the resolution SLA is valid.
data.sla_metrics.resolution_sla.is_breachedBoolean indicating if the resolution SLA has been breached.
data.first_response_time.tsTimestamp for the first response to the request.
data.first_response_time.actual_timeActual time taken for the first response.
data.first_response_time.time_in_working_hoursTime taken for the first response, measured in working hours.
data.custom_fields[]Array of custom fields associated with the request.
data.custom_fields_v2[]Array of version 2 custom fields associated with the request.
data.statusCurrent status of the request (e.g., OPEN, CLOSED).
data.sourceSource of the request, such as AI or manual input.
data.request_idUnique identifier for the request within the system.
data.merged_requests[]Array of merged requests, if any.
data.ai_metadata.titleAI-generated title for the request.
data.ai_metadata.summaryAI-generated summary for the request.
data.ai_metadata.tags[]AI-generated tags associated with the request.
data.ai_metadata.categoryAI-determined category for the request.
data.ai_metadata.urgencyUrgency level determined by AI (e.g., Low, Medium, High).
data.ai_metadata.actionableBoolean indicating if the request is actionable according to AI.
data.ai_metadata.sentimentSentiment analysis result for the request (e.g., Neutral, Positive, Negative).
data.ai_metadata.updatedOnTimestamp indicating when the AI metadata was last updated.[]Array of feedback entries for the request.
data.escalation_typeType of escalation for the request (e.g., automatic, manual).
data.escalation_details[]Array of details regarding the escalation, if applicable.
data.external_links[]Array of external links related to the request.
data.slack_triage_notification_message.tsTimestamp of the Slack triage notification message.
data.slack_triage_notification_message.channelSlack channel ID where the triage notification was sent.
data.slack_triage_notification_message.permalinkPermalink to the Slack triage notification message.
data.subscribers[]Array of users subscribed to updates on this request.
data.associated_ticketObject containing details of any associated ticket (if created).
messageAdditional message related to the response, if applicable.
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