This endpoint returns all requests, sorted in the order they were created (oldest to newest).

Response parameters

The response consists of several key fields. Below is a detailed description of each:

Request information

  • data.results[].id: Unique identifier for the request.
  • data.results[].created_at: Timestamp of request creation.
  • data.results[].updated_at: Timestamp of the latest update to the request.
  • data.results[].status: Current status of the request (e.g., OPEN, ASSIGNED, CONVERTED_TO_TICKET).
  • data.results[].sub_status: Sub-status of the request, if applicable.
  • data.results[].source: The source that detected or created the request (e.g., AI, MANUAL).

Original message

  • data.results[].original_message_ts: Timestamp of the original message.
  • data.results[].original_message_text: Text of the original message.
  • data.results[].original_message_source: Platform of the original message (e.g., SLACK).
  • data.results[].original_message_user_id: ID of the user who sent the message.
  • data.results[].original_message_permalink: URL link to the original message.
  • data.results[].original_message_user_name: Display name of the user.
  • data.results[].original_message_user_slack_name: Slack username of the user.
  • data.results[].original_message_user_slack_profile_real_name: Real name of the user from their Slack profile.
  • data.results[].original_message_user_slack_profile_image_48: URL to the 48px Slack profile image.
  • data.results[].original_message_user_slack_profile_image_72: URL to the 72px Slack profile image.
  • data.results[].original_message_user_slack_profile_image_512: URL to the 512px Slack profile image.

SLA metrics

First response SLA

  • data.results[].sla_metrics.first_response_sla.is_valid: Whether the first response SLA is valid.
  • data.results[].sla_metrics.first_response_sla.evaluated_state: Evaluated state of the first response SLA.
  • data.results[].sla_metrics.first_response_sla.is_breached: Whether the first response SLA was breached.

Resolution SLA

  • data.results[].sla_metrics.resolution_sla.is_valid: Whether the resolution SLA is valid.
  • data.results[].sla_metrics.resolution_sla.evaluated_state: Evaluated state of the resolution SLA.
  • data.results[].sla_metrics.resolution_sla.is_breached: Whether the resolution SLA was breached.

First response time

  • data.results[].first_response_time.ts: Timestamp of the first response.
  • data.results[].first_response_time.actual_time: Actual time taken for the first response.
  • data.results[].first_response_time.time_in_working_hours: Time spent in working hours for the first response.

Custom fields

  • data.results[].custom_fields: Array of custom fields associated with the request.
  • data.results[].custom_fields_v2: Array of version 2 custom fields.

AI metadata

  • data.results[].ai_metadata.title: AI-generated title for the request.
  • data.results[].ai_metadata.titleSource: Source of the title (e.g., AI).
  • data.results[].ai_metadata.summary: AI-generated summary of the request.
  • data.results[].ai_metadata.summarySource: Source of the summary (e.g., AI).
  • data.results[].ai_metadata.tags[]: AI-generated tags associated with the request.
  • data.results[].ai_metadata.category: AI-assigned category (e.g., Data, Product).
  • data.results[].ai_metadata.userDefinedTags: Tags defined by the user.
  • data.results[].ai_metadata.urgency: AI-determined urgency (e.g., Low).
  • data.results[].ai_metadata.urgencySource: Source of the urgency level (e.g., AI).
  • data.results[].ai_metadata.actionable: Whether the request is actionable.
  • data.results[].ai_metadata.sentiment: AI-determined sentiment (e.g., Neutral).
  • data.results[].ai_metadata.sentimentSource: Source of the sentiment.
  • data.results[].ai_metadata.updatedOn: Timestamp when the AI metadata was last updated.

Additional information

  • data.results[].feedback: Array of feedback for the request, if any.
  • data.results[].escalation_type: Type of escalation (e.g., automatic).
  • data.results[].escalation_details: Details about the escalation, if any.
  • data.results[].external_links: Array of external links associated with the request.
  • data.results[].slack_triage_notification_message.ts: Timestamp of the Slack triage notification.
  • data.results[] Slack channel where the triage notification was posted.
  • data.results[].slack_triage_notification_message.permalink: URL permalink to the Slack triage notification.

Subscribers and tickets

  • data.results[].subscribers[]: List of users subscribed to request updates.
  • data.results[].associated_ticket: Details of any associated ticket.


  • data.next_cursor: Cursor for paginating the next request.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!