This returns a contact by id.

Response parameters

Field PathTypeDescription
data.idStringThe unique identifier of the user.
data.nameStringThe name of the user.
data.emailStringThe email address of the user.
data.user_idStringThe internal system user ID associated with the user.
data.created_atStringThe timestamp when the user was created in the system (ISO 8601 format).
data.updated_atStringThe timestamp when the user's details were last updated (ISO 8601 format).
data.installation_idStringThe ID of the installation the user is associated with.
data.relationship_ids[]ArrayAn array of relationship IDs the user is involved in.
data.metadata.slack.idStringThe Slack ID of the user.
data.metadata.slack.nameStringThe Slack username of the user.
data.metadata.slack.team_idStringThe team ID of the user's Slack workspace.
data.metadata.slack.profile_emailStringThe email address associated with the user's Slack profile.
data.metadata.slack.profile_image_48StringThe URL to the user's 48x48 Slack profile image.
data.metadata.slack.profile_real_nameStringThe real name of the user in Slack.
data.metadata.slack.profile_display_nameStringThe display name of the user in Slack.
messageStringA message related to the response (null indicates no message).
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