This API fetches your audiit logs. It supports the following query parameters.

  1. start_date: the UNIX timestamp in milliseconds, defaults to today at 12AM.
  2. end_date: the UNIX timestamp in milliseconds, defaults to current time.
  3. next_cursor: (optional) - the cursor for pagination

Response parameters

Field PathTypeDescription
results[].idStringUnique identifier of the activity.
results[].activityStringType of activity performed (e.g., DOWNLOAD_REQUEST, CREATE_CONTACT, DELETE_CONTACT, CREATE_FORM).
results[].changes.body.start_dateNumberStart date of the download request, represented in Unix timestamp format.
results[].changes.body.end_dateNumberEnd date of the download request, represented in Unix timestamp format.
results[].changes.body.file_typeStringType of file requested (e.g., "json").
results[].changes.params.workspaceIdStringIdentifier for the workspace where the activity occurred.
results[].changes.body.nameStringName of the contact created (in the CREATE_CONTACT activity).
results[].changes.body.emailStringEmail address of the contact created (in the CREATE_CONTACT activity).
results[].changes.body.account_ids[]ArrayList of account IDs associated with the contact created (in the CREATE_CONTACT activity).
results[].changes.body.user_idStringUser ID of the contact created (in the CREATE_CONTACT activity).
results[].changes.params.contactIdStringID of the contact that was deleted (in the DELETE_CONTACT activity).
results[].changes.idStringID of the form created (in the CREATE_FORM activity).
results[].created_atStringTimestamp indicating when the activity was created.
next_cursorStringCursor for paginating through results, or null if there are no more results.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!